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Fire stopping and passive fire protection

Fire stopping and passive fire protection

Fire protection for construction movement
joints, gaps and service penetrations

In the event of a fire in a building, and especially if the fire stop is insufficient, fire and smoke will spread very quickly. Fire products prevent the spread of flames, heat and smoke to keep the rest of the building safe and to allow safe evacuation and recovery.

With over 50 years of experience in the construction industry, Nullifire offers market leading passive fire protection solutions to help protect people and buildings from fire. Passive fire protection is complex but crucially important. Nullifire’s Smart Protection solutions provide products that are needed at every stage of a Fire Protection project.

Guaranteed product traceability with Optifire and Optifire+ joints, gaps and service penetrations

Nullifire’s pioneering technology provides lifelong traceability of products after the construction phase. These technologies offer a guaranteed, source of quality and new levels of assurance, whilst acting as an incentive to ensure products are used and applied correctly.

Optifire is a unique UV technology which is activated by exposing the product’s surface to a UV light source, to offer easy and instant product identification. 

Optifire+ offers pigment technology, which cannot be manipulated. Visible only with a specific Nullifier detector, it offers lifetime identification, remaining traceable.

The Nullifire passive fire protection range

Nullifire FB750 Intubatt Coated Batt

Nullifire FB750 Intubatt Coated Batt

A rock mineral fibre board with an ablative elastomeric coating

From £25.20 (Ex VAT)

Nullifire FS702 Intumastic Fire Resistant Acrylic Sealant

Nullifire FS702 Intumastic Fire Resistant Acrylic Sealant

A water-based acrylic sealant which cures to give a firm but flexible fire seal.

From £3.15 (Ex VAT)

Nullifire FP302 Intustrap

Nullifire FP302 Intustrap

An extremely flexible rubber-based pipe closure device

From £190.00 (Ex VAT)

Nullifire FF197 Fire Rated PU Construction Foam 750ml

Nullifire FF197 Fire Rated PU Construction Foam 750ml

A moisture-curing foam particularly suited to fire doors and linear gaps

From £13.00 (Ex VAT)

Nullifire FS709 HP Intumescent Sealant

Nullifire FS709 HP Intumescent Sealant

A water-based graphite sealant which expands when exposed to fire

From £7.70 (Ex VAT)

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