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It doesn't take long for a concrete floor with minor damage to deteriorate. The worse it gets, the more downtime needed to carry out the repair, and the more costly it becomes. Watco Flowpatch is one of our bestselling epoxy repair mortars, with an easy to mix, pourable formulation that can be used for internal and external repairs. Choose from multiple formulas in our Flowpatch range to repair your floors fast and return your floor to full use in just two hours.
Ideal for repairing or levelling deeper concrete holes between 10-200mm
Suitable for: Concrete
Composition: Reinforced cement
& polymer powder
Minimum application temp: 5°C
Curing time: 2 hours at 15°C
Depth: 10-200mm
Fast and strong concrete repairs in heavy wear, cold areas, cures down to -20°C
Suitable for: Concrete
Composition: Magnesium phosphate cement based powder
Minimum application temp: -20°C
Curing time: 5 hours at -20°C
Depth: 20mm
Fast, pourable and strong repairs, suitable for asphalt and asphalt pavement
Suitable for: Asphalt, Tarmac and concrete
Composition: Fibre reinforced polymer, and cement based dark grey powder
Minimum application temp: 5°C
Curing time: 3 hours at 15°C
Depth: 100mm
Holes in concrete floors can be a serious issue. As well as looking unsightly, badly maintained, or damaged flooring can contribute to poor productivity and present a safety risk to people working in or visiting a facility.
Watco Flowpatch is an easy way of carrying out surface repairs. Just sweep away any dirt and debris, add water to the mortar, mix thoroughly and pour into the hole. It couldn’t be easier.
Watch our tutorial on how to repair a hole in concrete with Watco Flowpatch.
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