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Anti slip coatings vs GRP

When it comes to anti slip solutions for exterior floor surfaces, there’s a wide choice of options. Paints, coatings and GRP all offer anti slip protection but how do you decide which is best? 

Watco’s anti slip range offers versatile solutions to suit any surface and location. Our buying guide will help you decide which solution and product is best for you. 

Some questions to consider

What is the size of my area?

Usually, the larger the area, the more practical it becomes to use a coating to create an anti slip surface. For narrow walkways and access areas it's worth exploring whether a GRP product could be more cost effective.

How much time do I have?

We do provide Rapid versions for many of our anti slip coatings, however even with our fastest curing paints downtime is inevitable. If time is of the essence, a GRP solution could provide an instant fix for urgent matters.

What is the surface type?

Smooth concrete, wet asphalt or galvanised metal? Be sure to double check whether your chosen anti slip solution can be applied to your surface. If in doubt, get in touch and one of our experts will be glad to help.

Exterior Anti Slip Coatings

Firm-Step® GRP Range

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